
CCNA Semester 1 Basic Configuration

Go into Privileged executive mode enable
Configure terminal configure terminal
Set the hostname hostname R1
Disable DNS hostname resolving no ip domain-lookup
Enable the Message of The Day banner motd #Unautharised access is prohibited#
Put a encrypted password to enter priv-ec enable secret class
Set all future passwords to be encrypted service password-encryption
Go into the console line line con 0
Go into an interface interface
Enable use of passwords when using the password command login
Stop commands from being cut off when configuring terminal logging synchronous
Step down one level when configuring exit
Go into the VTY lines line vty 0 4
Password protect the VTY lines password cisco
Only accept SSH connections on the VTY lines transport input ssh
Go back to Privileged executive mode (#) end
Configure a default route out of an interface ip route fa0/1
Set the clock rate for a serial interface clock rate 128000
conf t
hostname R1
no ip domain-lookup
banner motd #Unautharised access is prohibited#
enable secret class
service password-encryption
line con 0
password cisco
logging synchronous
line vty 0 4
password cisco
transport input ssh